
I like to say tsjoch. It is preferably said just before nipping from a glass of beerenburg. Although wine and beer work out perfectly as well. And tsjoch happens to be the first title I tried for this blog that was still free.

Friday, October 27, 2006


I have changed the settings on my blog. You don't need to do registration stuf anymore to leave comments.


I started this morning with this a couple of hours after (enjoying some sake) feeling. Then I prepared breakfast and went to class.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


The weekend is almost over. Tomorrows classes will start at 8.45. It was a nice day. There was a big parade with historical figures. And my neighbour Kumar organized a Diwali Party. A Hindu festival about ...well something about ligth, good food and music. Some of you might be going to meet this nice Indian guy. Because afther his Phd at Kyoto university he might be going to the university of Delft for some Aerospace engineering (fietsenmaker!).

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Kill your own cockroaches!

Inspired by the slogans; Kill your own cockroaches and You are the leading character of this kitchen, me and my neighbours started cleaning the kitchen. We found out about the original colour of the floor, the contents of the cupboards and how many years over date some of the stuff in our kitchen actually was.
Than there was good food, beer and music.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006



Sunday, October 15, 2006

Still moe

Today Yoichiro was so kind to take me out to wander trough Kyoto. At one of the temples we visited (I already had prayed for succes in my studies at another temple) we came a cross a festival. An old lady standing next to me said that it was for the safety of the children and to help woman get pregnant. She assured me that this festival really helped for woman ...etc. I guess I first should have visited a certain temple for finding a suitable husband. I cann't imagine that they don't have one.


Bit tired tonight. So I'll just upload some images that kept me from sleeping. Starting with a breakfast. I mean a real breakfast, food in the morning. A BBQ and a welcome party. Some temples. I prayed at the temple on the last picture (it will help me graduate!, at least this specific temple is very suitable for students. Kitatenmangu)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Bycicle revisited

Riding a bycicle in Kyoto can be a pritty uncoordinated action. As a cyclist you can chose wherever you want tot cycle. The road, sidewalk left or right. Brakes and lights are nice things to have. But you could do just as well without them. THe most important part of your bycicle is the basket at the front part of the bycicle. You can put anything in it.
So I was a bit supprised when I was stopped by the police. I had waited for the traffic light to become green (realy a sissy thing to do). But insted of stopping the guy that had crossed the street while the trafficlight was red they stopped me. ( Although they did say 'Abunai' to the guy, dangerous). I could skill up my Japanese conversation abbilities for half an hour with two police officers about bycicle ownership, and the history of my bycicle and the lock that had fallen of (apperently Japanese police officers have a trained eyesight for bycicles with locks that have fallen of from oldage). Me not being a registered bycicle owner; couldn't proof that I had gotten my bycicle in a proper manner.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Some people asked me the question where it is that I am. I do my sleeping and eating mainly in the building I have tried to point out in this picture. It is taken from daimonji. A mountai just a litle bit to the east from the place where I live. Yes you understood it wel I have actualy climbed a mountain. You now this very big kind of rock thing. I went there with somebody who is more used to altitude differences. A Norwegian guy who walked just a litle bit faster than me. You know, it just took me a bit more time to enjoy all the Bob Ross kind of views we came across. You can see Brynjar in the other picture. With a litle bit of luck, I guess.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Flip flop

Using slippers is convenient. Especially if you are afraid of cockroaches who enter shoes. So when you have a good pair that breaks, it’s a sad thing. Especially if you are two asphalt kilometres away from home. This was my situation. But then I was saved, by an old Japanese lady. She came rushing out of here house with a nice pair of slippers. Me not being Cinderella, I didn't get my feet into the slippers, she ran back into her house. And than she came back with larger slippers (just two sizes to small for me). So I would like to thank her here again for the slippers. They even matched with the clothes I was wearing.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The view

Sorry, I forgot about the view.

A room with a view

Although I am for her on the other side of the world I do want to give my mother the opportunity to check whether my room is tidy enough. And of course everybody can now have a look at the amazing bed linen I bought.