I have changed the settings on my blog. You don't need to do registration stuf anymore to leave comments.
I like to say tsjoch. It is preferably said just before nipping from a glass of beerenburg. Although wine and beer work out perfectly as well. And tsjoch happens to be the first title I tried for this blog that was still free.
I have changed the settings on my blog. You don't need to do registration stuf anymore to leave comments.
Inspired by the slogans; Kill your own cockroaches and You are the leading character of this kitchen, me and my neighbours started cleaning the kitchen. We found out about the original colour of the floor, the contents of the cupboards and how many years over date some of the stuff in our kitchen actually was.
Riding a bycicle in Kyoto can be a pritty uncoordinated action. As a cyclist you can chose wherever you want tot cycle. The road, sidewalk left or right. Brakes and lights are nice things to have. But you could do just as well without them. THe most important part of your bycicle is the basket at the front part of the bycicle. You can put anything in it.