
I like to say tsjoch. It is preferably said just before nipping from a glass of beerenburg. Although wine and beer work out perfectly as well. And tsjoch happens to be the first title I tried for this blog that was still free.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Being in Japan sometimes means taking over strange habits of Japanese people. Like being overly obsessed by food. Making photo’s of all the interesting food you come across. A small selection of the past week.. A sandwitch, scary and some more food. And I did not even bother to make pictures of the Mongolian food nor the picnic I had today under blossoming plum trees.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I like to go away from where I like to be

Yesterday I got back from my 'schooltrip' to Kanazawa. On the picture above you can see Zhena my Ukrainian classmate. As you can see Kanazawa has a beautiful coastline.

There also is a Kirin beerfactory.

a garden

and a nicely decorated bathroom.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I like being where I am right now

I like being where I am right now.
My dormitory is a nice place. Although it is getting a bit quiet at the moment, many people finishing their studies are leaving the house, others are going away for the holidays. This was a scene at the goodbye party for Ong, who is not in the picture but in Harvard. I will be following classes this whole month. During March I will be free to travel. With global warming it might even be skirt wearing weather. People in Hokkaido are nowadays complaining that it isn't cold enough.