
I like to say tsjoch. It is preferably said just before nipping from a glass of beerenburg. Although wine and beer work out perfectly as well. And tsjoch happens to be the first title I tried for this blog that was still free.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Sweet Kyoto

Although I am normally not a great fan of culture shocks, I do have to admit that I felt attacked by the Japanese cleanliness after spending two days in Cairo. The changes between Cairo airport and Kansai int. are quite large. In Cairo you should among a terrible chaos find out where to pay for getting into the country and than line up (not the other way around, it makes you line up twice). In Japan on the otherhand they let the foreigners line up sepperatly as a prevention against terrorism and other criminal activities. At least that is what a big banner tells you; "We are fighting terrorism". It means every time you enter the country they take a picture and fingerprints.

After getting through these checks out of the people waiting at the excit somebody came dancingly running at me, Yuya.

The view from my balcony, between Yuya and the other building mount Hiei


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