Dharma Tower

Shinichi shared pictures with me from our trip to collect Dharma in Kamakura.

Dharma is quite cheep in Kamakura. Where as one has to pay about 500 yen to enter a temple in Kyoto, in Kamakure it will cost you only about 300.

And as a bonus there was Natsume Soseki his gate. (my hero in Japanese literature)
So I posed for a picture.
Although it also could have been this gate. Which was actually free of charge!
It makes me think of Shinichi's idea for a Dharma tower. A place where one cann collect Dharma twentyfour seven. You ought to be able to cycle against a lot of wind, have a lot of rain, falling cherry blossoms or red and yellow leaves. But first of all a library.
Hey Rianne
Leuke foto's joh. Hardstikke leuk dat je zo'n blog bij houdt.
Good for people to know.
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