
I like to say tsjoch. It is preferably said just before nipping from a glass of beerenburg. Although wine and beer work out perfectly as well. And tsjoch happens to be the first title I tried for this blog that was still free.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

visual pleasure

I am not much of a photographer lately. My camera does not work properly so I didn't bother to bring it with me on my winter holiday. I visited Shinichi in Yokohama. We went to Kamakura the old capital and Ochanomizu (Thee water)where there is books (sory for my Japlish, I came to like it).

Since I don't have nice pictures of Yokohama, Kamakura, Ochanomizu, Nikko and Fukushima I will postpone posting about it for a while. It is so nice to be lazy.

I did find a nice picture on amazon.co.jp to be enjoyed by your eyes.


At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Thabo mist je :p

Heb ook nog een leuk linkje voor je: http://frontpage.fok.nl/nieuws/72103

At 4:14 AM, Blogger rianne said...

Had hij te veel gedronken?

Over het filmpje ik vond de dansende blubberbuik aanstootgevender.


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