I am back
Happy New Year. This would be the moment to summarize al the events of last year. You are probably not in the mood to read it. Besides I am to lazy to type it all down. I will limit myself to summarize yesterday for you. Which wasn't part of 2006 but is just easier to remember at this hour than last week;
To double the size of my summary;
Local Train
To make it more specific
6.30 get up, eat breakfast kindly prepared by Oyuki’s grandmother; to Fukushima station with my backpack, a backpack heavy from a couple of visits to bookstores in Tokyo, presents from Oyuki her family and one kilo mandarins from her grandmother (so I will not get hungry in the train);
8.38 Train from Fukushima to K something yama;
Train from K something yama to Kuroiso;
Train from Kuroiso to Utsunomiya;
Train from Utsunomiya to Omiya;
Because of a small delay I miss my train from Omiya to Kozu;
Train from Omiya to Tokyo;
From Tokyo to Atami;
Atami to somewhere;
From somewhere to Toyobashi;
Toyobashi Ogaki;
Ogaki Maibara
From Maibara to Kyoto !
23.20 Kyoto station, For the first time I realize the busses don’t go at this time anymore.
23.45 Last metro to Marutamachi.
From Marutamachi I walk home with a brief stop to get dinner.
I lost the count of the number of speed trains that passed me. But then again I got to see many trains and travel 800 kilometres for just 2300 yen (about 16 euro).
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