
I like to say tsjoch. It is preferably said just before nipping from a glass of beerenburg. Although wine and beer work out perfectly as well. And tsjoch happens to be the first title I tried for this blog that was still free.

Friday, December 15, 2006

I tried to do the contemplating thing. and I misserably failed. I will try to give it another chance. Maybe it didn't work because due to some strange reasons I didn't have any alcohol since last saturday (I shared a small botle of warm sake wit Rie). And on the thurstday ( my usual drinking day since the only day in the week I need to get up urly in the morning is friday) before last saturday I had just one beer. A very memorable beer though, it was a hyuugaaruden. Yes you understood it right, real Belgian Beer.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


One of my friends was so kind to remind me of the whereabouts of the subject of one of my November post. Namely on top of his scanner/ printer machine thing. I think he has taken good care of Rhino. And Rhino is in good care now.

O behave of the tree

And Joerg says no the tree a bit more to the right, ...yes that one.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


I am sleepy. Quite sleepy. For the coming days I thought up a different kind of activity; study and spending time in the library. Or maybe just tomorrow and some random other days. Sometimes I forget that it was actualy the thing that brougth me here.

Like today when I met Rie again for the first time in a very long while (See archive picture of when we were still young, restless and full of energy and beer). Maybe I ought to do some contemplating so I will be able to say more than I had a great time, I went to this place called Osaka where there are many people trains and books. I will first do some sleeping and library chair occupying.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Kyoto university, there where I do my studies

Steward is having a problem with the autorities. It is just way to much fun to throw your umbrella.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Apparently I am not writing what I should write. It is good to know how to prepare gaarikkutoosuto (garlic toast), but I miserly failed until now to report what it is that I am actually doing here. How I ended up here and why I am here has something to do with the number 42 (read the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. But please do avoid to watch the movie that has been made). If somebody would be able to understand it or explain it please be my guest.

Here is Kyoto. I study Japanese at the university of Kyoto. And I try to avoid to throw with umbrella’s. Not everybody is all to talented in not throwing umbrella’s. As this action picture of Steward makes clear there is a real need at this university of more paper to tell us how to behave.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Source of Hapinnes

Aren't German peopel just adorabel. Look to the contents of my refrigerator. The yellowish thing I got from Jurg(congratulations with your birthday) and Miriam. Liebe freunden vielen tank und tank schon, und so wieder. I just have one word for it, Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssss

Source of Hapinnes

Aren't German peopel just adorabel. Look to the contents of my refrigerator. The yellowish thing I got from Jurg(congratulations with your birthday) and Miriam. Liebe freunden vielen tank und tank schon, und so wieder. I just have one word for it, Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssss