
I like to say tsjoch. It is preferably said just before nipping from a glass of beerenburg. Although wine and beer work out perfectly as well. And tsjoch happens to be the first title I tried for this blog that was still free.

Sunday, November 01, 2009


To celebrate our koseki (family register) producing visit to the municipality office, Yuya and I decided to cycle around lake Biwa (the blue spot on the map East of Kyoto). After three hours cycling from our home we arrived at ten in the morning at the starting point of our trip, a bridge.
The East side of the lake

When we arrived in the old town of Nagashima we were smelly and dirty enough to go to a nice and clean hotel. The next day we passed the north and the most beautifull side of the lake.

The last part of our trip was definitively the hardest. We almost managed to forget, but there are a couple of mountains between the lake and Kyoto. And it stinks being passed with great speed by 'real' pro looking cyclists when you are trying very hard to crawl up a mountain.
Still, we made it!

School trip

I noticed that I did not manage to tell what it is that I do in Kyoto.
So I will start with part one, I study. I am a student at the Japanese
history department of Kyoto University. A very stimulating
environment with an occasional field trip. It is nice to go, see and climb ancient burial mounds once in a while. See old stuff. But for some reason it feels like an ordinary school trip, which goes accompanied with lots of candy or beer.

I forgot to update my blog, for a while. Thankfully somebody was so nice to ask me for an update. It is not the case that nothing happened during the time but where should I start.